Oct 27, 2014 Tomb Raider 2013 Game Of The Year Trainer +6 Options: Inf.Health Inf.Ammo Inf.Salvage Slow Motion No Reload Inf.Skill Points.
Please keep in mind that I only have the PC version of these games, so I can't vouch for the accuracy of any of the console cheats. Unless otherwise indicated, all cheats are done during gameplay and are based on the default control configuration. If you have changed any controls, either try the cheats with the corresponding keys you've assigned, or revert to the defaults before entering cheats.
IMPORTANT: No, you're not hallucinating. There is no compass in Chronicles. So any cheat that directs you to face due north is incorrect. Please feel free to send in additional cheats, but to the best of my knowledge, these are the only PC/Macintosh cheats.
PC & Macintosh Unlimited Small medipaks: First, you may want to save your game in a new slot before trying this in case it doesn't work. Second, make sure Lara's health bar is less than 100% full AND that you only have 1 small medipak in your inventory. (Use any extra medipaks and then drop from a height or do something else to make Lara lose a little health.) Now escape to inventory and highlight the small medipak item. Press and hold the Look button (keypad 0) followed by the numeric key 0 above the letters on your keyboard. You should see the text under the small medipak change from '1x small medipack' to 'small medipack.' Press Enter, as if to use the medipak, and Lara should sigh. Return to inventory and the item should now read 'Unlimited small medipacks.'
PC & Macintosh Unlimited Large medipaks: Follow the instructions for unlimited small medipaks above, except make sure that Lara's health bar is not full and that you only have 1 large medipak in inventory. Select the large medipak in the inventory ring, press and hold the Look button (keypad 0) followed by the numeric key 9 above the letters on your keyboard. You should see the text under the large medipak change from '1x large medipack' to 'large medipack.' Press Enter, as if to use the medipak, and Lara should sigh. Return to inventory and the item should now read 'Unlimited large medipacks.'
Level Skip: To the best of my knowledge, there is no level-skip cheat for PC or Mac. If you're stuck and the walkthrough doesn't solve the problem, try downloading a savegame file.
Note to Macintosh Users: If you're using the numeric keypad controls and are having trouble with these cheats, try doing them with the regular arrow keys.
PC & Mac Savegame Files: An alternative to cheat codes is to download a save file from just beyond the spot where you're stuck.
PC Savegame and Position Editors - Edit your save files to add weapons, items, health, change Lara's status (air, on fire), or reposition her anywhere in a level. For details, see the Savegame Editors page.
PlayStation All Items: Go to the inventory screen and highlight the stopwatch. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down together for a moment. (Some versions of this cheat say to press Triangle after this button combination.) Then exit the inventory screen and you should have everything, including keys/puzzle items.
PlayStation All Items (Beta Version): Go to the inventory screen and highlight the large medipak. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down together for a moment. Then press Triangle. Exit the inventory screen and you should have everything, including keys/puzzle items.
PlayStation All Weapons, Infinite Ammo & medipaks: Go to the inventory screen and highlight the stopwatch. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up together for a moment. (Some versions of this cheat say to press Triangle after this button combination.) Then exit the inventory screen and you should have everything.
NOTE TO VITA PLAYERS: To the best of my knowledge, the only PS1 cheat that works on the PSVita is the all weapons, ammo & medipaks code above. You will need to assign the L2 and R2 buttons to the front touch screen and use digital controls (i.e., the pad and not the analog sticks) for entering the cheats. Thanks to Andrew S. for this info.
PlayStation All Weapons, Infinite Ammo & medipaks (Beta Version): Go to the inventory screen and highlight the small medipak. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up together for a moment. Then press Triangle. Exit the inventory screen and you should have everything.
While the stories are plausible, there is an emphasis on dramatic plotting and technical complexities faced by the police. At every stage, the plot throws up intriguing twists and. Cid episodes 2012 free download. The protagonists of the serial are an elite group of police officers belonging to the Crime Investigation Department of the police force, led by ACP Pradyuman played by the dynamic Shivaji Satam.
PlayStation Level Skip: These cheats allow you to skip to the beginning of the first level in each chapter.
Russian Base Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Hold L1 and press X. (Some versions of this cheat say to press L1 + Up, then X.) Ireland Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Hold L2 and press X. (Some versions of this cheat say to press L2 + Up, then X.) VCI Headquarters Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Hold R1 and press X. (Some versions of this cheat say to press R1 + Up, then X.) |
PlayStation View FMV Sequences (Beta Version): At the main menu press Select + R2.
PlayStation Access Special Features: Go to the inventory screen and highlight the stopwatch. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down + Circle and press Triangle. Exit to the main menu and you should now be able to access the 'Special Features' option. (Some versions of this cheat say it is the same as the All-Items cheat above.)
IMPORTANT: If any of thes Dreamcast cheats don't work for you, try changing the controller settings from Digital to Analog while inputting the cheats. This should make them work correcltly. (Thanks to Sage for this info.)
Dreamcast Level Skip: These cheats allow you to skip to the beginning of the first level in each chapter.
Russian Base Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Hold L + R and press Down. Hold the buttons until the level has loaded. Ireland Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Then hold L + R and press Left. Hold the buttons until the level has loaded. VCI Headquarters Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Then hold L + R and press Right. Hold the buttons until the level has loaded. |
Dreamcast Access Special Features: Either find all the secrets during game play or use this cheat. Go to the inventory screen and highlight the stopwatch. Hold Y until 'Secrets' reads '36/36'. Now you should see the 'Special Features' option on the main menu.
Return to the cheats page or the main page
Walkthrough text and related diagrams copyright © 1998- Stellalune. All rights reserved. Feel free to link to this page but do not copy it. To give me your feedback, send email to or visit tombraiders.net. The name and likeness of Lara Croft, Tomb Raider screenshots and the Tomb Raider name and logos are copyright © Square Enix, Ltd. All rights reserved.
Unlock Unlimited Health, Ammo And Weapons
During the game press Select to bring up your inventory screen. Highlight the Timex and hold: Up + R1 + L1 + L2 + Circle then press Triangle.
Unlock Special Features, Medi-Kits And Ammo
Your ammo will now be unlimited as well as your medi-kits. While in the game, press SELECT to bring up your inventory. Then highlight your Timex and hold: Down+R1+R2+L1+L2+CIRCLE and then press TRIANGLE. Then exit the game to find a 'Special Features' menu on the main screen. From there you can view storyboards and concept art for the Next Generation Tomb Raider game as well as a pre-rendered (as in NOT realtime) video of what the game may look like.
Unlock Every Item For Your Level
During the game press Select to bring up your inventory screen. Highlight the Timex and hold: Down + R1 + L1 + L2 + R2 then press Triangle.
Start At The Second Story
While at the main menu highlight the New Game option and press and hold: L1 + Up. While holding those two button press the X button. You'll start at the Russian Base.
Start At The Third Story
While at the main menu highlight the New Game option and press and hold: L2 + Up. While holding those two button press the X button. You'll start at the Black Isle.
Start At The Fourth Story
While at the main menu highlight the New Game option and press and hold: R1 + Up. While holding those two button press the X button. You'll start at the Tower Block stage.
Oct 27, 2014 Tomb Raider 2013 Game Of The Year Trainer +6 Options: Inf.Health Inf.Ammo Inf.Salvage Slow Motion No Reload Inf.Skill Points.
Please keep in mind that I only have the PC version of these games, so I can\'t vouch for the accuracy of any of the console cheats. Unless otherwise indicated, all cheats are done during gameplay and are based on the default control configuration. If you have changed any controls, either try the cheats with the corresponding keys you\'ve assigned, or revert to the defaults before entering cheats.
IMPORTANT: No, you\'re not hallucinating. There is no compass in Chronicles. So any cheat that directs you to face due north is incorrect. Please feel free to send in additional cheats, but to the best of my knowledge, these are the only PC/Macintosh cheats.
PC & Macintosh Unlimited Small medipaks: First, you may want to save your game in a new slot before trying this in case it doesn\'t work. Second, make sure Lara\'s health bar is less than 100% full AND that you only have 1 small medipak in your inventory. (Use any extra medipaks and then drop from a height or do something else to make Lara lose a little health.) Now escape to inventory and highlight the small medipak item. Press and hold the Look button (keypad 0) followed by the numeric key 0 above the letters on your keyboard. You should see the text under the small medipak change from \'1x small medipack\' to \'small medipack.\' Press Enter, as if to use the medipak, and Lara should sigh. Return to inventory and the item should now read \'Unlimited small medipacks.\'
PC & Macintosh Unlimited Large medipaks: Follow the instructions for unlimited small medipaks above, except make sure that Lara\'s health bar is not full and that you only have 1 large medipak in inventory. Select the large medipak in the inventory ring, press and hold the Look button (keypad 0) followed by the numeric key 9 above the letters on your keyboard. You should see the text under the large medipak change from \'1x large medipack\' to \'large medipack.\' Press Enter, as if to use the medipak, and Lara should sigh. Return to inventory and the item should now read \'Unlimited large medipacks.\'
Level Skip: To the best of my knowledge, there is no level-skip cheat for PC or Mac. If you\'re stuck and the walkthrough doesn\'t solve the problem, try downloading a savegame file.
Note to Macintosh Users: If you\'re using the numeric keypad controls and are having trouble with these cheats, try doing them with the regular arrow keys.
PC & Mac Savegame Files: An alternative to cheat codes is to download a save file from just beyond the spot where you\'re stuck.
PC Savegame and Position Editors - Edit your save files to add weapons, items, health, change Lara\'s status (air, on fire), or reposition her anywhere in a level. For details, see the Savegame Editors page.
PlayStation All Items: Go to the inventory screen and highlight the stopwatch. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down together for a moment. (Some versions of this cheat say to press Triangle after this button combination.) Then exit the inventory screen and you should have everything, including keys/puzzle items.
PlayStation All Items (Beta Version): Go to the inventory screen and highlight the large medipak. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down together for a moment. Then press Triangle. Exit the inventory screen and you should have everything, including keys/puzzle items.
PlayStation All Weapons, Infinite Ammo & medipaks: Go to the inventory screen and highlight the stopwatch. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up together for a moment. (Some versions of this cheat say to press Triangle after this button combination.) Then exit the inventory screen and you should have everything.
NOTE TO VITA PLAYERS: To the best of my knowledge, the only PS1 cheat that works on the PSVita is the all weapons, ammo & medipaks code above. You will need to assign the L2 and R2 buttons to the front touch screen and use digital controls (i.e., the pad and not the analog sticks) for entering the cheats. Thanks to Andrew S. for this info.
PlayStation All Weapons, Infinite Ammo & medipaks (Beta Version): Go to the inventory screen and highlight the small medipak. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up together for a moment. Then press Triangle. Exit the inventory screen and you should have everything.
While the stories are plausible, there is an emphasis on dramatic plotting and technical complexities faced by the police. At every stage, the plot throws up intriguing twists and. Cid episodes 2012 free download. The protagonists of the serial are an elite group of police officers belonging to the Crime Investigation Department of the police force, led by ACP Pradyuman played by the dynamic Shivaji Satam.
PlayStation Level Skip: These cheats allow you to skip to the beginning of the first level in each chapter.
Russian Base Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Hold L1 and press X. (Some versions of this cheat say to press L1 + Up, then X.) Ireland Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Hold L2 and press X. (Some versions of this cheat say to press L2 + Up, then X.) VCI Headquarters Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Hold R1 and press X. (Some versions of this cheat say to press R1 + Up, then X.) |
PlayStation View FMV Sequences (Beta Version): At the main menu press Select + R2.
PlayStation Access Special Features: Go to the inventory screen and highlight the stopwatch. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down + Circle and press Triangle. Exit to the main menu and you should now be able to access the \'Special Features\' option. (Some versions of this cheat say it is the same as the All-Items cheat above.)
IMPORTANT: If any of thes Dreamcast cheats don\'t work for you, try changing the controller settings from Digital to Analog while inputting the cheats. This should make them work correcltly. (Thanks to Sage for this info.)
Dreamcast Level Skip: These cheats allow you to skip to the beginning of the first level in each chapter.
Russian Base Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Hold L + R and press Down. Hold the buttons until the level has loaded. Ireland Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Then hold L + R and press Left. Hold the buttons until the level has loaded. VCI Headquarters Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Then hold L + R and press Right. Hold the buttons until the level has loaded. |
Dreamcast Access Special Features: Either find all the secrets during game play or use this cheat. Go to the inventory screen and highlight the stopwatch. Hold Y until \'Secrets\' reads \'36/36\'. Now you should see the \'Special Features\' option on the main menu.
Return to the cheats page or the main page
Walkthrough text and related diagrams copyright © 1998- Stellalune. All rights reserved. Feel free to link to this page but do not copy it. To give me your feedback, send email to or visit tombraiders.net. The name and likeness of Lara Croft, Tomb Raider screenshots and the Tomb Raider name and logos are copyright © Square Enix, Ltd. All rights reserved.
Unlock Unlimited Health, Ammo And Weapons
During the game press Select to bring up your inventory screen. Highlight the Timex and hold: Up + R1 + L1 + L2 + Circle then press Triangle.
Unlock Special Features, Medi-Kits And Ammo
Your ammo will now be unlimited as well as your medi-kits. While in the game, press SELECT to bring up your inventory. Then highlight your Timex and hold: Down+R1+R2+L1+L2+CIRCLE and then press TRIANGLE. Then exit the game to find a \'Special Features\' menu on the main screen. From there you can view storyboards and concept art for the Next Generation Tomb Raider game as well as a pre-rendered (as in NOT realtime) video of what the game may look like.
Unlock Every Item For Your Level
During the game press Select to bring up your inventory screen. Highlight the Timex and hold: Down + R1 + L1 + L2 + R2 then press Triangle.
Start At The Second Story
While at the main menu highlight the New Game option and press and hold: L1 + Up. While holding those two button press the X button. You\'ll start at the Russian Base.
Start At The Third Story
While at the main menu highlight the New Game option and press and hold: L2 + Up. While holding those two button press the X button. You\'ll start at the Black Isle.
Start At The Fourth Story
While at the main menu highlight the New Game option and press and hold: R1 + Up. While holding those two button press the X button. You\'ll start at the Tower Block stage.
Oct 27, 2014 Tomb Raider 2013 Game Of The Year Trainer +6 Options: Inf.Health Inf.Ammo Inf.Salvage Slow Motion No Reload Inf.Skill Points.
Please keep in mind that I only have the PC version of these games, so I can\'t vouch for the accuracy of any of the console cheats. Unless otherwise indicated, all cheats are done during gameplay and are based on the default control configuration. If you have changed any controls, either try the cheats with the corresponding keys you\'ve assigned, or revert to the defaults before entering cheats.
IMPORTANT: No, you\'re not hallucinating. There is no compass in Chronicles. So any cheat that directs you to face due north is incorrect. Please feel free to send in additional cheats, but to the best of my knowledge, these are the only PC/Macintosh cheats.
PC & Macintosh Unlimited Small medipaks: First, you may want to save your game in a new slot before trying this in case it doesn\'t work. Second, make sure Lara\'s health bar is less than 100% full AND that you only have 1 small medipak in your inventory. (Use any extra medipaks and then drop from a height or do something else to make Lara lose a little health.) Now escape to inventory and highlight the small medipak item. Press and hold the Look button (keypad 0) followed by the numeric key 0 above the letters on your keyboard. You should see the text under the small medipak change from \'1x small medipack\' to \'small medipack.\' Press Enter, as if to use the medipak, and Lara should sigh. Return to inventory and the item should now read \'Unlimited small medipacks.\'
PC & Macintosh Unlimited Large medipaks: Follow the instructions for unlimited small medipaks above, except make sure that Lara\'s health bar is not full and that you only have 1 large medipak in inventory. Select the large medipak in the inventory ring, press and hold the Look button (keypad 0) followed by the numeric key 9 above the letters on your keyboard. You should see the text under the large medipak change from \'1x large medipack\' to \'large medipack.\' Press Enter, as if to use the medipak, and Lara should sigh. Return to inventory and the item should now read \'Unlimited large medipacks.\'
Level Skip: To the best of my knowledge, there is no level-skip cheat for PC or Mac. If you\'re stuck and the walkthrough doesn\'t solve the problem, try downloading a savegame file.
Note to Macintosh Users: If you\'re using the numeric keypad controls and are having trouble with these cheats, try doing them with the regular arrow keys.
PC & Mac Savegame Files: An alternative to cheat codes is to download a save file from just beyond the spot where you\'re stuck.
PC Savegame and Position Editors - Edit your save files to add weapons, items, health, change Lara\'s status (air, on fire), or reposition her anywhere in a level. For details, see the Savegame Editors page.
PlayStation All Items: Go to the inventory screen and highlight the stopwatch. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down together for a moment. (Some versions of this cheat say to press Triangle after this button combination.) Then exit the inventory screen and you should have everything, including keys/puzzle items.
PlayStation All Items (Beta Version): Go to the inventory screen and highlight the large medipak. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down together for a moment. Then press Triangle. Exit the inventory screen and you should have everything, including keys/puzzle items.
PlayStation All Weapons, Infinite Ammo & medipaks: Go to the inventory screen and highlight the stopwatch. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up together for a moment. (Some versions of this cheat say to press Triangle after this button combination.) Then exit the inventory screen and you should have everything.
NOTE TO VITA PLAYERS: To the best of my knowledge, the only PS1 cheat that works on the PSVita is the all weapons, ammo & medipaks code above. You will need to assign the L2 and R2 buttons to the front touch screen and use digital controls (i.e., the pad and not the analog sticks) for entering the cheats. Thanks to Andrew S. for this info.
PlayStation All Weapons, Infinite Ammo & medipaks (Beta Version): Go to the inventory screen and highlight the small medipak. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up together for a moment. Then press Triangle. Exit the inventory screen and you should have everything.
While the stories are plausible, there is an emphasis on dramatic plotting and technical complexities faced by the police. At every stage, the plot throws up intriguing twists and. Cid episodes 2012 free download. The protagonists of the serial are an elite group of police officers belonging to the Crime Investigation Department of the police force, led by ACP Pradyuman played by the dynamic Shivaji Satam.
PlayStation Level Skip: These cheats allow you to skip to the beginning of the first level in each chapter.
Russian Base Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Hold L1 and press X. (Some versions of this cheat say to press L1 + Up, then X.) Ireland Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Hold L2 and press X. (Some versions of this cheat say to press L2 + Up, then X.) VCI Headquarters Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Hold R1 and press X. (Some versions of this cheat say to press R1 + Up, then X.) |
PlayStation View FMV Sequences (Beta Version): At the main menu press Select + R2.
PlayStation Access Special Features: Go to the inventory screen and highlight the stopwatch. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down + Circle and press Triangle. Exit to the main menu and you should now be able to access the \'Special Features\' option. (Some versions of this cheat say it is the same as the All-Items cheat above.)
IMPORTANT: If any of thes Dreamcast cheats don\'t work for you, try changing the controller settings from Digital to Analog while inputting the cheats. This should make them work correcltly. (Thanks to Sage for this info.)
Dreamcast Level Skip: These cheats allow you to skip to the beginning of the first level in each chapter.
Russian Base Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Hold L + R and press Down. Hold the buttons until the level has loaded. Ireland Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Then hold L + R and press Left. Hold the buttons until the level has loaded. VCI Headquarters Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Then hold L + R and press Right. Hold the buttons until the level has loaded. |
Dreamcast Access Special Features: Either find all the secrets during game play or use this cheat. Go to the inventory screen and highlight the stopwatch. Hold Y until \'Secrets\' reads \'36/36\'. Now you should see the \'Special Features\' option on the main menu.
Return to the cheats page or the main page
Walkthrough text and related diagrams copyright © 1998- Stellalune. All rights reserved. Feel free to link to this page but do not copy it. To give me your feedback, send email to or visit tombraiders.net. The name and likeness of Lara Croft, Tomb Raider screenshots and the Tomb Raider name and logos are copyright © Square Enix, Ltd. All rights reserved.
Unlock Unlimited Health, Ammo And Weapons
During the game press Select to bring up your inventory screen. Highlight the Timex and hold: Up + R1 + L1 + L2 + Circle then press Triangle.
Unlock Special Features, Medi-Kits And Ammo
Your ammo will now be unlimited as well as your medi-kits. While in the game, press SELECT to bring up your inventory. Then highlight your Timex and hold: Down+R1+R2+L1+L2+CIRCLE and then press TRIANGLE. Then exit the game to find a \'Special Features\' menu on the main screen. From there you can view storyboards and concept art for the Next Generation Tomb Raider game as well as a pre-rendered (as in NOT realtime) video of what the game may look like.
Unlock Every Item For Your Level
During the game press Select to bring up your inventory screen. Highlight the Timex and hold: Down + R1 + L1 + L2 + R2 then press Triangle.
Start At The Second Story
While at the main menu highlight the New Game option and press and hold: L1 + Up. While holding those two button press the X button. You\'ll start at the Russian Base.
Start At The Third Story
While at the main menu highlight the New Game option and press and hold: L2 + Up. While holding those two button press the X button. You\'ll start at the Black Isle.
Start At The Fourth Story
While at the main menu highlight the New Game option and press and hold: R1 + Up. While holding those two button press the X button. You\'ll start at the Tower Block stage.