When you open an existing document or create one, InDesign hangs, freezes, or endlessly displays the progress bar.

  1. Move the following folder to the desktop:
    Mac OS: [Startup Disk]/Library/Applications Support/Adobe/SING/Mark II/Datastore
    Windows 7/Vista: C:ProgramDataAdobeSINGMark IIDatastore
    Windows XP: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataAdobeSINGMark IIDatastore

For example, if you were using a Mac, the command would look something like this: wget -U 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10134) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.181 Safari/537.36' If you are a developer testing out your website’s functionality, you may need to tell wget to pass other HTTP headers. Every time I download and open a PDF, Adobe Reader totally freezes with nothing but a spinning ball. I deleted Adobe (even though it was up to date) and re-downloaded it, only to have the same issue. It is Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (Version 17.012.20093) on Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11.6. Any recommendat.


If the problem is not resolved, then proceed to Solution 2.

Note: Users who do not receive .indd files from users of the CJK versions of InDesign can function fine without the SING component.

  1. Move the following folder to the desktop:
    Mac OS: [Startup Disk]/Library/Applications Support/Adobe/SING/Mark II
    Windows: C:Program FilesCommon FilesAdobeSINGMark II

Avro bangla software for mac. If the problem is not resolved with the solutions above, see Troubleshoot system errors, freezes (Mac OS 10.x) or Troubleshoot system errors, freezes (Windows).

In some cases, corrupt data related to the Smart INdependent Glyphlets (SING) component causes this issue. This component handles use of single glyph font files used to represent custom glyph necessary to extend standard font glyph sets. It is primarily used in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) documents.

A fix for Acrobat Reader crash on launch problems 3 comments Create New Account
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A fix for Acrobat Reader crash on launch problems

This would probably be alot more helpful (!) if I added the following:
The Acrobat Reader crashing, actually happened after seemingly 'losing' my Accounts panel in System Preferences. I applied another hint provided here at macosxhints, and deleted
~(home directory)/Library/Caches/com.apple.preferencepanes.cache
which restored my Accounts panel.
Strangely, that cache file must have been the only place my language settings were stored, in terms of explaining my troubleshooting & resolution.

I was having the same problem with the full version of Acrobat -- changing the order of languages in the International control panel and then changing it back fixed it.

A fix for Acrobat Reader crash on launch problems

osx_4me, u_r_a god! This problem has plagued me for weeks, and has stumped all the tech people here. After reloading the software from scratch didnt work, they kinda gave up. I think I'm pretty smart, but I would never have thought of your solution in a million years! Needless to say, it worked perfectly. What a weird glitch- no info on Apple about this either. Mind if I call you direct next time I have a problem!?!? Thanks again!

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